Step-by-Step: Fixing 'Available To Sync'

Learn how to quickly resolve the 'Available To Sync' issue in QuickSync

Items marked as "Available to Sync" are products with matching SKUs that are available on all platforms and are ready to be synced. This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of syncing these products:

Step 1: Navigate to the Unsynced Tab

  • Go to the Unsynced Tab in the dashboard. This is where all the "Available to Sync" products are listed.

Unsynced Tab - Available to sync - QuickSync

Step 2: Sync your products

  • Click on the Sync Products button.
  • Then click Start Syncing.
Once finished, the synced products will move out of the "Unsynced" tab and into the "Synced" tab.