Step-by-Step: Fixing 'No Match Found'

Learn how to quickly resolve the 'No Match Found' error in QuickSync

A "No Match Found" error happens when products listed on one platform don't exist on another sales channels. Here's a simple and straightforward guide to help you effectively fix this using QuickSync, ensuring that your product listings are accurately synchronized across all platforms:

Step 1: Open QuickSync and Navigate to the Unsynced Tab

  • Go to the Unsynced Tab in the dashboard. This is where all the "No Match Found" products are listed.
  • Browse through the listed products to see what’s listed.

Unsynced Tab in QuickSync

Step 2: Enable the "Create Products" Option

Now, we’ll let QuickSync do some heavy lifting by creating new product entries where needed.
  • Click on the Sync Products button.
  • Toggle the "Create Products" option to ON.
This feature tells QuickSync to create a product on the platform where it’s missing, using the data available from the other platform.

enabling create products options - QuickSync

Step 3: Verify Synced Products
Once the syncing process is complete:

  • Check the Synced Tab in QuickSync to confirm that the previously unsynced products have been resolved.
  • Verify product details like SKUs, pricing, and stock levels to ensure everything matches perfectly.


Pro Tip: If products are still unsynced, double-check their SKUs on both platforms. SKUs must match exactly for QuickSync to recognize them as the same product.